Other available services

Thousands of users, both individuals and businesses like yours, let Clintu take care of their home or office management: cleaning, handyman services, and other once in a while kind of services like painting or moving.


  • How do I get my business service?

    To get your quote to clean your office, shop or turistic apartment. You can leave your details aquí  and we will get in touch with you.

    We are fast, you will have your quote the same day :)

  • What's the time schedule for the services?

    ¡The one you want! We offer services every day from 6:00am to 10pm.

    If you need cleaning out of this times, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll do our best to help you.

  • How are the services billed?

    We close the facturation the 20th of every month. We put together all the services done for every profesional and you receive one monthly invoice..

    You can download all the invoices from your personal area.

  • How can I pay?

    95% of companies use bank domiciliation. Easy and comfortable for both parts.

    For one time services you can also pay via bank transfer.

See all

Be smarter

Repite con la misma cleaner
Repeat with your cleaner anytime

In the cleaning hourly services you can always have the same cleaner and check their availability.

Service insured by AXA

We want your office to be spotless after every service. That's why the services are insured by AXA.

We guarantee that you're going to stop "pretending to be a fool"

The average service rating is 4.8/5. We are convinced all our services at your house or business will meet your expectations.

Book your Clintu and get rid off all your house tasks

Book with Clintu your cleaning and the other services for your business. Get your competitive quote. Join the thousands of Clintu users. In just a few hours you will have your office cleaning quotation. Clintu can also help you with water, fruit and coffe for your office. We can also take care of the handyman and moving services. Ask what you need.